
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Car Themed 1st Birthday Party

Birthday parties don't come around too often at our house.  We always do something small with the family, but usually I barely even decorate for those.  So, when I have the opportunity to decorate for a "real" party, I get so excited!  I get to add decorator, baker, caterer, and designer to the usual hats that all moms wear on an everyday bases.  Thank goodness it's only for a little while, because I'm busy enough!  I sure love it though.  

My son recently just turned one, and I'm pretty sure this party was more for me then it was for him.  What one year old actually cares about decorations?  Am I right?  Regardless, I love how everything turned out, and I wanted to share it with you!

You can't have a party without cute labeled food!  Ok, maybe not, but it sure adds a cute little touch.

Now, before you look at this next picture, I need to add a little disclaimer: I am NOT a baker.  I like to pretend sometimes, but usually my creations look better in my head then when I actually try to execute them.  That being said, here is the car smash cake that I made.  For some reason the buttercream frosting separated, and I didn't have time/the ingredients to make it again.  So, I had to use what I had.  Lamo-o...  Anyway, here is the completed car.  Honestly, I think it looks like one of those "Pinterest Fail" photos.   I almost cry laugh every time I look at the one I attempted.  Oh well.  You can't win 'em all, right? 

(If anyone has an amazing fool proof buttercream frosting recipe, please send it my way)

Here's what I was going for... 

For some reason, it is absolutely impossible to find checkered paper!  I don't know why I had such a difficult time, but not a single store had anything even remotely checkered.  What's a girl to do?!  I ended up just finding a checkered background and printed my own paper :).  These flags were made with toothpicks and the folded over paper.  Super easy, and much cheaper then buying them from a specialty party store.

This kid had no problem digging into his cake.  I sure love him to pieces!
(Please be careful when putting a Bumbo on a chair like this!  They are not very stable, so please stay close to your kiddos while they sit in them!)

The table cloth was super easy!  All it was was a black $0.97 table cloth, which I then taped yellow paper to to make it look like a road.  You could use yellow duct tape too!

This was my favorite decoration!  It was fun to see the month to month growth progression.

I don't know when my next party will be, but I'm already looking forward to planning it!

Thanks for stopping by!

(You can find this invite or request your own custom design at Puddle Design on Etsy)