
Monday 8 September 2014

Box of Sunshine

It's raining here in Arizona today.  Which doesn't happen all that often, but when it does, watch out!  When it rains, it pours!  The monsoon season is one of my favorite things about Arizona.  Seriously, the lightning storms are incredible!!  We got so much rain last night that streets have literally turned into rivers, most major freeways are shut down, and they canceled school!  I've heard, it is the worst storm Arizona has ever gotten!  

So, on such a dark and dreary day, I wanted to share with you a little bit of sunshine.  This is a little thing I put together for my sister, who was going through a difficult time, and I thought she could use a little pick-me-up.  I call it my little Box of Sunshine.

This is seriously one of the easiest gifts to put together!  And I had a blast doing it, too!  Everywhere I went I would look out for things that were yellow that I could put into the box.  That's right, everything in the box was yellow, and only yellow.  Plus, I painted the inside yellow too, so when you open the box: BAM!!! all you see is yellow.  All you see is sunshine!

I used a pretty small box, so I wasn't able to fit a ton of stuff.  Here is what I included:

Honestly, I could have probably have sent a box four times bigger, and I wouldn't have had a problem finding yellow stuff to fill it.  Here are some more ideas to fill your own Box of Sunshine:

-  Wheat Thins
-  Teddy Grahams
-  Golden Oreos
-  Starbursts
-  Tissues
-  Juicy Fruit Gum
-  Finger Nail Polish
-  Potato Chips
-  M&M's
-  Yellow Loofah
-  Wet Wipes
-  Sticky Notes
-  Note pad/journal
-  Lemonade (or my favorite: Glaceau's vitamin water zero.  Delish!)
-  Lotion
-  Air Freshener
-  Soap
-  Lemon Heads
-  Crayons
-  Carmex
-  Car Air Fresheners
-  Subway Gift Card

I could go on for a while!  You'd be surprised at how many yellow things there are.

And, keeping up with my New Years resolution, I made a card to include in the box.

 Putting together this box made me so ridiculously happy!  It's amazing what happens when you look outside yourself and help others.  


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